Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Certification for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

NEW! Does your campus have a strong tobacco-free or smoke-free policy? Get certified by BACCHUS!

The BACCHUS Network™ is currently accepting applications for a new Tobacco-Free Campus Policy Certification. This certification recognizes college and university campuses that have implemented strong tobacco policies, demonstrating excellence in their commitment to the health and safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

The Tobacco-Free Campus Policy Certification honors campuses at three different levels. A full description of each level is included in the announcement brochure, though a summary is listed here:

Silver Award: No smoking is allowed on campus grounds or in campus-owned vehicles. Tobacco is not sold, marketed, or distributed on campus grounds. Sponsorships and promotions from tobacco companies are not allowed.

Gold Award: No tobacco (smoking or smokeless) is allowed on campus grounds or in campus-owned vehicles. Tobacco is not sold, marketed, or distributed on campus grounds. Sponsorships and promotions from tobacco companies are not allowed.

Diamond Award: All conditions of the 'Gold Level' are fulfilled. The campus divests all holdings in tobacco companies and does not accept any direct funding from tobacco companies for any purpose. Sponsorships and promotions from tobacco companies are not allowed.

This award will provide campuses with recognition that can be helpful in recruiting students, community learners, as well as grant opportunities from prominent health-related organizations and agencies. BACCHUS will provide campuses with an award logo that can be displayed on websites and in printed materials. Applications are due by January 31, 2010.

For more information and an application, please visit: and click on the links under Certification for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy.

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