Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thank You

The BACCHUS Network™’s General Assembly in Columbus, Ohio was a tremendous success! We would like to acknowledge the people that helped make the event such a memorable experience.

Many thanks to all of our area consultants and state coordinators who presented programs and hosted events at General Assembly. Everyone did a fantastic job providing a quality conference experience to our affiliate campuses.

Our guest speakers rocked - David Coleman, Tish Norman, Rosemary Laack, Paul Jones, Mike Domitrz, GTC Dramatic Dialogues from High Impact training, Matt Bellace, Jim Painter and Erin Weed. You can read about them in detail in the next Peer Educator!

Area 7 through the leadership of Marc West gave us something fun to do when the lights went out (had to be there). With no electricity, we still had urban line dancing lessons and a lot of positive energy! You're the best.

Thank you to all the participants—students, advisors, professionals, and community members. Your enthusiasm and passion is what makes our Network truly exceptional.

Thank you to everyone who submitted and presented a breakout session at General Assembly. This year’s program offered great variety and creativity. Participants were excited to take back to their campuses the new ideas they learned from you.

Thank you to our host city of Columbus and the fantastic staff at the Hyatt.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the silent auction: donors, bidders, and winners.

We hope to see you all next year in Orlando, November 5 – 8, 2009!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job, BACCHUS, putting together another great General Assembly. For those of us speakers, working with all of you, the students, and the advisors is a great honor. LIGHTS OUT - the best!!