Friday, October 31, 2008

Phone Coaching for Weight Loss

This article highlights a study done at Brigham Young University on the use of phone-based coaching to promote modest weight loss. This concept is intriguing, particularly considering the success we have seen with tobacco quitlines.

Are there ways that campuses can utilize phone, texting, and other technology to help with healthy weight initiatives? Has anyone looked into the possibilities?

Click here for the article:

-posted by Tad Spencer


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NutritionLove said...

I think the concept is one to look into but implementing it might be hard. Maybe little text reminders saying, "have you had vegetables today?" would be helpful for people. I agree that it is helpful to have support when creating healthful change in ones life.

Rx Pharmacy said...

This is really great. Its will be help for those person who wants to lose weight. Thank you

Weight Loss Coaching said...

Well there are many ways to control your weight, so first of all cut off all the junk food, Eat fresh vegetables regularly drink water at least six to ten glass daily, do exercise regularly three hours. Thanks.